Home Oops! Page under Maintenance

Oops! Page under Maintenance

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We are currently making improvements to our website. As such, some or all of our website content might be unavailable for the time being.

If you are seeing this announcement, it means we are conducting maintenance on our site. Worry not — nothing is amiss!

What Is Site Maintenance?

We routinely take the time to evaluate the performance and functionality of our web pages and make improvements to them.

Thanks to our use of cookies, we receive quite a bit of performance data about our website. Occasionally, these reports might indicate that a section of our site is not functioning as intended or that our users encountered errors when browsing our site.

In addition, site users sometimes send us their feedback via the Contact us form. We take their comments and concerns into consideration when planning changes to our website.

Nevertheless, in order to reorganise our website content or add new functionalities to it, we have to limit public access to it. That is because we do not wish to waste your time with half-baked features that have not been fully tested or provide you with bug-ridden services.

What Improvements Can You Expect?

Sometimes our site goes under construction in order to get rid of bugs and other issues that arise unexpectedly and interrupt the normal functioning of our website. However, in other instances, we need to make the site temporarily unavailable to make planned upgrades to our content.

Some of the types of changes we regularly work on include improvements to the website design, content, and overall performance.


As trends evolve worldwide and technology gets better, our creative team gets inspired to work on new ideas. As a result, we regularly update the design and layout of our website. We want to consistently deliver a pleasant user experience, and keeping up with the newest standards and trends in design is essential.


The primary purpose of Quadriga is to introduce traders to some of the world’s most reliable brokerages. While this goal is not about to change, we do look for other ways to make our website useful to you.

Consequently, we strive to update our content with more information that might interest you. These changes include adding more educational materials about cryptocurrencies and financial trading in general or updating facts that no longer reflect the current market situation.

In addition, we occasionally add completely new pages and sections to Quadriga. All of our content and features are meant to enrich your experience with our site, so this is an important avenue for us to develop.


Using Quadriga should be a smooth, fun experience for everyone. That is why we strive to make improvements to speed, security, customisation, and other aspects related to performance. We also actively seek out errors or elements of our website that are not fulfilling their potential.

Our team makes such optimisations to performance to ensure you can enjoy using Quadriga without issues and interruptions in the future.

How Long Will Quadriga Be Down?

It depends on the reason for the maintenance. Generally speaking, you can expect our website to be up and running as usual in a few hours. It might take longer if we are resolving an unexpected issue or doing extensive testing. But our team always does its best to resolve all issues as soon as possible. Thus, long maintenance times are unlikely.

We’ll be back soon!

Check back later to see a better, more enjoyable version of Quadriga!